The rise of voice search and AI

The rise of voice search and AI

As today’s digital landscape continues to evolve, businesses need to keep up with the latest trends and technologies to remain competitive. One area that has seen tremendous growth in recent years is voice search and artificial intelligence (AI). With the rise of smart speakers and virtual assistants, businesses should now be optimising their digital marketing strategies to cater to the new and modern wave of consumers who prefer voice search over traditional search methods.

According to a report by Adobe Analytics, nearly half (47%) of consumers are using voice assistants for general web searches. This is a significant shift in consumer behaviour, and businesses that fail to adapt risk losing out on valuable customers.

What is voice search?

Voice search is a technology that allows people to perform a search on the internet or interact with a device using their voice instead of typing. It involves the use of natural language processing (NLP) technology that understands and interprets spoken words and phrases, and then delivers the most relevant results or actions based on the user’s query. You can perform a voice search through a variety of common devices, including smartphones, smart speakers and virtual assistants for example “Hey Siri” or Google Voice Search.

Optimising for voice search

One of the most significant challenges for businesses in the age of voice search is optimising their content for this new medium. Traditional search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies may not work as well for voice search, as consumers often use natural language queries rather than short, keyword-driven searches. Therefore, businesses must focus on creating content that answers common questions and provides concise, informative answers.

Additionally, businesses should focus on optimising their website’s technical aspects to cater to voice search. This includes improving site speed, using structured data markup to provide context for search engines, and ensuring that their site is mobile-friendly.

Using AI for customer service

Another area where AI is changing the digital marketing landscape is in customer service. Advancements in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning mean that chatbots and virtual assistants can now handle basic customer service enquiries and provide personalised recommendations to customers.

For example, a retailer could use a chatbot to help their customers find the right products, answer common questions they might have, and even provide support to customers after the sale. This could help the business reduce their customer service teams workload while providing a more convenient and efficient customer experience.

Moreover, AI-powered chatbots can also collect valuable data on customer interactions, which businesses can use to improve their products, services, and customer experiences.

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Leveraging chatbots for lead generation

In addition to customer service, businesses can also use chatbots to generate leads and increase conversions. By using targeted messaging and personalised recommendations, businesses can guide consumers through the sales funnel and provide a seamless experience from initial contact to the final purchase or lead.

For example, a business might use a chatbot to ask a series of qualifying questions to a potential lead. Based on their responses, the chatbot can provide a personalised product recommendation or schedule a call for the customer with a sales team member.

This approach can be particularly effective for businesses that sell complex or high-ticket items, as it allows them to provide personalised guidance to potential customers while reducing their sales team’s workload.

The future of voice search and AI

As the use of voice search and AI continues to grow, businesses must remain agile and adapt to new trends and technologies. One area that is expected to see significant growth in the coming years is the use of voice-enabled commerce, or “v-commerce.”

According to a report by Statista; the total worldwide transaction value of e-commerce purchases made through voice assistants is expected to rise by 400% by 2023. This presents a significant opportunity for businesses to capitalise on the growing trend of voice search and AI by providing a seamless , personalised experience for their customers. As more and more consumers adopt voice-enabled devices and smart speakers, optimising for voice search and using AI for customer service and lead generation will become increasingly important strategies for businesses looking to stay competitive in the digital marketplace.


In conclusion, the rise of voice search and AI is changing the digital marketing landscape in significant ways and for businesses to remain competitive, they must adapt their strategies to cater to this new wave of consumers who prefer voice search over traditional search methods. Businesses that embrace this new technology will be well-positioned to provide a convenient and personalised experience for their customers leading to increased sales and growth.

Looking to stay ahead of the curve in the world of digital commerce? At BFJ Digital, our team of experts can help you take advantage of the latest trends in voice-enabled commerce, providing you with a convenient and personalised experience that will help drive sales and growth for your business. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you stay ahead of the competition and take your business to the next level.

Call us on (07) 3106 3777 or contact us here.